Wednesday 12 October 2011

walk cycle 3

So today I had another attempt at the walk cycle before moving on to lip-syncing. The arm movement here is ridiculously erratic and makes no sense, but I am much happier with the leg movement and how much more smoothly it flows.
Unfortunately the poor arm movement takes away completely from the rest of the movement and my frustration with the walk cycle is much more obvious here. Also I think I've paid to little attention to the arms and underestimated their importance of making the walk look believable.
Overall I think this one is the better out of the others, mainly because I new what I was doing and had found a book which was helpful. I referenced most in-between frames from the book “the Animators reference book” this book consists of small photos of people in different movement positions, which I found it immensely helpful.
I would like to revisit this particular walking man, and make it neater, apply a design to it and ad more character to the walk but for now I think it’s time to move on, otherwise I will eave myself no time for lip syncing.

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